Venting Services

Some times we just need to vent and get things out of our systems, but most people feel bad or awkward just letting it out around the people we have to face on a regular basis. We feel they will hold it against us, judge us or feel the need to fix things. Sometimes we just need to VENT!

Venting Services gives you the opportunity to vent to someone who has nothing to do with your life. Although we do other services to help you resolve your problems, with the Venting Services you can scream, cry, yell, talk about anything or anyone with the fear of judgment.

We understand that even though it’s easier to vent to a “stranger” you still need to be comfortable.  That’s why we schedule your session in an environment that leaves you free to get thins off your chest.  A walk, the park, a coffee shop or yes, even a drink.  We will work with you to find your comfort zone.

Venting services are available in 30 and 60 min sessions.  The location for your service will be decided during your post booking phone call.