Your Business and Personal Lives Will Cross Paths.

Your Business & Personal Lives Will Cross Paths.

I had a very strange conversation with a friend and client about me decision to reopen Path-Finders Personal Development.  This friend has been a client of Kaleidoscope for a few years and is only used to the idea of my being a Management Consultant, the idea that I also do tarot card readings was a kind of shock.  My friend was actually very concerned that something had gone terribly wrong in my world for such a drastic change, she thought that because I was going to start personal coaching again, yes, with tarot cards that I was planning on closing Kaleidoscope.  Now it was my turn to be shocked!  Ok, I wasn’t that shocked to find out she thought this way, she thinks the way most people do that you can’t be a serious businessperson and believe in something metaphysical. That’s like saying you can’t run a business and go to church.

Over my 28 years of coaching through tarot, taking psychology and business courses, and working as a management consultant, I have noticed that same thing, a person’s personal lives and their business live will always cross paths.

We try our best to compartmentalize our lives into little boxes, family, finance, friends, work, health and so on.  Don’t let the kids know about the finical problems, don’t bring work problems home, don’t let the fight with your partner creep into your mind at the office. We are human an with that comes emotions, emotions do not have an on/ off switch, if you don’t find a way to cope with the events of your life they will stay on you mind no matter where you are or who you are with.  Often when I am with a client for either business or personal, it will come out that some of the problems they are having stem from another part of their lives.  So, would it not make sense to have a person who can see the whole picture help you work things out?  Yes, it would.

So, I explained to my friend the logic behind having two different identities for personal & business development.  As I mentioned, people like to compartmentalize their lives, and there is logic to that.  We must present a different side of our selves depending on the people and environment that we are in at any given time. It only makes sense that you should do the same when trying to work towards a solution in some aspect of your lives.  It good to have a clear understanding that the problems you are having at home actually have very little to do with anything that is happening at home.  Now you can separate the two situation and give it the attention it deserves.  Now your kids will not get yelled at because of staff turnover, and your receptionist will not have to take the fallout from your partners lack of housework.

There you have it, I have not lost all my marbles.  I have just decided to be true to all sides of myself and in the process give my clients more ways to create the perfect solutions for all sides of their lives.  Live your whole life.

–          The Bohemian Capitalist