Shine Like A Diamond

If you truly want to live, not just be alive, you can not ignore who you are. We all have different sides to our personalities, facets if you will. Like a diamond, the more facets that we allow to to be seen, the more we shine. 

The word “Authentic” gets thrown around to the point where it has become a new mold for people to fit into. To be authentic, you can’t be the same all the time, we will always act different around different people and different situations. If you treated a cop the same way as you treat your child, things might not go so well. The same goes for how you would act out for a fun evening with your friends, vs how you should act at work. To be different depending on the people and situations is not being fake, it’s being realistic.

The idea behind Authenticity, is to own all aspects of who you are, you are not supposed to fit in boxes. You can be funny & serious, organized & carefree, strong & soft, and a million other combinations. The more facets you let see the light of day, the more you will shin. 

– The Bohemian Capitalist